📕 Beginner Python Programming 📕
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:01:12) Variables & Data Types
(00:12:21) Basic Operators & Input
(00:24:11) Conditions
(00:32:54) if-elif-else
(00:45:56) Chained Conditionals & Nested Statements
(00:53:29) For Loops
(00:59:29) While Loops
(01:05:51) List’s and Tuples
(01:14:09) Iteration by Item
(01:20:13) String Methods
(01:26:38) Slice Operator
(01:33:41) Functions
(01:42:10) How to Read a Text File
(01:50:31) Writing to a Text File
(01:54:50) Using .count() and .find()
(02:01:47) Introduction to Modular Programming
(02:09:28) Optional Parameters
(02:15:36) Try and Except (Error Handling)
(02:20:29) Global vs Local Variables
📗 Object Oriented Programming 📗
(02:29:16) Introduction to Objects
(02:39:02) Creating Classes
(02:50:37) Inheritance
(03:03:13) Overloading Methods
(03:16:01) Static Methods and Class Methods
(03:25:44) Private and Public Classes
📘 Intermediate Python 📘
(03:31:40) Optional Parameters
(03:41:13) Static and Class Methods
(03:50:24) Map Function
(03:56:15) Filter Function
(04:03:12) Lambda Function
(04:10:12) Introduction to Collections
(04:22:17) Named Tuple
(04:30:20) Deque
📙 Advanced Python 📙
(04:40:12) Overview of Python
(04:58:34) Dunder/Magic Methods
(05:12:23) Metaclasses
(05:34:10) Decorators
(05:50:29) Generators
(06:04:32) Context Managers